熊王 康宏 神宮 英夫
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18828930)
vol.8, no.1, pp.99-104, 2008

Thec omplexin teractiown ithe valuationosn Eating Q ualityis causedb y externailn formatio. Tn V and W eba dvertisings aret hee xternailn formatiotnh atc anb e operateda s experimentcaol ndition. s Thep urposeo f thisr esearchis to makec leart herole of externali nformationo n the structureo f the complexi nteractionb y analyzingth e resultso f Kinseye valuatio.n The S amplei sa commercialize Sdp areribo n brandedf ood.B ecauset he complexin teractionw ith evaluationosn Eating Q ualityi s influencedb y externailn formationit, is necessaryto analyzeth e interactiown ith G raphica Ml odeling. Althoughth e commone valuatioint em on Eating Q uality is exist, the complexin teractiown ithe valuationis differenitn eache xperimentaclo ndition. Ther esultss uggestth at the structuraaln alysiws ith G raphica Ml odelinigs usefu.


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こんな論文どうですか? 感性評価による食品の外的情報に関する研究―スペアリブの食感品質について―:スペアリブの食感品質について(熊王 康宏ほか),2008 https://t.co/oDuQy3rV6N

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