熊王 康宏 鈴木 翔 神宮 英夫
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.14, no.2-2, pp.114-118, 2010-10-15 (Released:2012-12-28)
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The relation among evaluations in eating quality affects one's “desire to purchase”, “sense of safety”, and “sense of well-being”. The purpose of this study was to clarity the relation among evaluations of the eating quality of raw ham, as well as to determine how the relation influences one's “desire to purchase”, “sense of safety”, and “sense of well-being.” In this study, the samples were four raw hams which were very similar in terms of chemical composition, texture, and price. The result of principle component analysis indicated the importance of the “general evaluation by ‘umami’ and good texture” and “a moist texture as judged by the degree of saltiness” of the ham. The result of discriminant analysis indicated that the “general evaluation by ‘umami’ and good texture” affected one's “desire to purchase” and “sense of safety”, and the “moist texture as judged by the degree of the saltiness” affected the “sense of well-being.” In other words, the relation among evaluations of eating quality was affected by the purchasing evaluations.
熊王 康宏 鈴木 翔 神宮 英夫
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.14, no.2, pp.114-118, 2010

The relation among evaluations in eating quality affects one's "desire to purchase", "sense of safety", and "sense of well-being". The purpose of this study was to clarity the relation among evaluations of the eating quality of raw ham, as well as to determine how the relation influences one's "desire to purchase", "sense of safety", and "sense of well-being." In this study, the samples were four raw hams which were very similar in terms of chemical composition, texture, and price. The result of principle component analysis indicated the importance of the "general evaluation by 'umami' and good texture" and "a moist texture as judged by the degree of saltiness" of the ham. The result of discriminant analysis indicated that the "general evaluation by 'umami' and good texture" affected one's "desire to purchase" and "sense of safety", and the "moist texture as judged by the degree of the saltiness" affected the "sense of well-being." In other words, the relation among evaluations of eating quality was affected by the purchasing evaluations.
熊王 康宏 神宮 英夫
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18828930)
vol.8, no.1, pp.99-104, 2008

Thec omplexin teractiown ithe valuationosn Eating Q ualityis causedb y externailn formatio. Tn V and W eba dvertisings aret hee xternailn formatiotnh atc anb e operateda s experimentcaol ndition. s Thep urposeo f thisr esearchis to makec leart herole of externali nformationo n the structureo f the complexi nteractionb y analyzingth e resultso f Kinseye valuatio.n The S amplei sa commercialize Sdp areribo n brandedf ood.B ecauset he complexin teractionw ith evaluationosn Eating Q ualityi s influencedb y externailn formationit, is necessaryto analyzeth e interactiown ith G raphica Ml odeling. Althoughth e commone valuatioint em on Eating Q uality is exist, the complexin teractiown ithe valuationis differenitn eache xperimentaclo ndition. Ther esultss uggestth at the structuraaln alysiws ith G raphica Ml odelinigs usefu.