干場 恵美子 稲垣 照美 木村 尚美 阿部 宣男 宮内 一美
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.72, no.714, pp.409-417, 2006

The fantastic light of firefly, which keeps fascinating the heart of Japanese from ancient time, and the ecosystem are taken up as one of cure fields being benefit from the nature. In this study, from a viewpoint of Kansei engineering, we focused on the hue of light emission pattern of firefly, and we examined whether it causes the human spirit any effects or not by using various statistical analysis and Kansei analysis. It was revealed that there is a high possibility that the sufficient cure effect exists in the hue of light emission pattern of firefly and the ecosystem. This research is the first basic trial turned to the creation of cure spaces for hospice and welfare facility, which utilize the firefly and the mini ecosystem artificially modeled in an enclosure.


外部データベース (DOI)

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板橋区のホタル館の元職員の名前をciniiで検索したら出てきた論文 こんなモノが論文として認められるのか…(呆れ) https://t.co/1gBKJChzG4
こんな論文どうですか? ホタルの発光パターンにおける色相の1/f`n´ゆらぎ現象と癒し効果(干場 恵美子ほか),2006 https://t.co/XVr0caJXem

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