高智 富美
Japan Association for Urban Sociology
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2008, no.26, pp.187-203, 2008

This article aims to consider the integration policy for foreign residents in Japan, which promotes political and economic equality as well as cultural diversity, based on a case study of Yao City, Osaka. By analyzing the ethnic relations among Japanese, old comers, Korean minority, and new comers, the following four issues are discussed. 1) Official Japanese language education system should be established, for the lack of Japanese language proficiency makes it difficult for new comers not only to live a life in Japan but also to have relationships with Japanese. 2) Occupational support system for new comers is necessary making the best use of their ethnic networks and their multicultural background. 3) Current education system fails to encourage new comer children to build positive ethnicity.It should be revised taking mother tongue education into consideration, which brings many positive effects. 4) The inter-ethnic relationship between old comers and new comers is important. It makes new corners not only to have a chance to make relationships with Japanese but also to form positive ethnic identity.


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[paper][free] 高智富美(2008)「マルチエスニック・コミュニティにおける民族関係とエスニシティ:大阪府八尾市を事例として」 http://t.co/LZaVzhC5RT

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