積田 洋 土田 寛
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.668, pp.1807-1814, 2011

City skyline is an element of the cityscape, but makes a whole image of the city.This study is to develop the new way of express city skyline with notes of music.After drawing some city skyline with photoes was drawned, pitch and length of tone was measured and transfferred to notes.<br>Through this study, it came out to be possible to note skyline, remaining features which some of the buildings have a characteristic figure of skyline.<br>Skyline seems to consist several pitch and length of line without meanings.With this method of note, it is possibled find the meaning of composition of skyline and compare between cities big and small in one measurement.


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