北居 功
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.4, no.1, pp.1-15, 2006

This paper deals with an issue, why did Bernhard Windscheid write the literature on the actio of the roman civil law. He asserted that the actio of the roman civil law was not the right of bringing an action into court (Klagerecht), but the right of requesting an act against the another party (Anspruch). Through this assertion, he intended to reconstruct the system of the german material private law. The system which he made an attemt to establish took over a system, that Friedrich Carl von Savigny had asserted for bringing the new perspective into the german common law (gemeines Recht) in the 19th century. The actio-system of the roman civil law was replaced in the german common law by the new system of Savigny and Windscheid, which is called "the system of rights" by Professor Yasuhiro Ikadatsu.


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[RE][paper][free] 北居功(2006)「19世紀ドイツにおけるアクチオ体系の克服」 https://t.co/nIKKuJgKko 法学者ヴィントシャイントの著作『現代法の観点から見たローマ市民法のアクチオ』(1856年)などを手がかりに、その債権譲渡肯定論の意味や役割を検証。良論文。

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