宇土 徹 高見 敞志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.642, pp.1759-1765, 2009

This paper aims to elucidate the subjects used on the principles of town planning by KURODA KANBE. The subjects are as follows. (1) How to find a way to decide on the position for the castle towers. (2) How to find a way to decide on the planning of the street network and the canal. For these two subjects, we substantiated on setting forth three hypotheses.1) Techniques of a visual axis and 60 Ken modules of the &alph; right-angled triangle may have been used for positioning of the castle towers. 2) Adding to 1), sacred mountains, old shrines and old historic temples which people of those days believed in from ancient times may have been connected with the sun haunting direction of the summer solstice and winter solstice.3) For the design of castles and castle towns, 60 Ken modules of the &alph; right-angled triangle may have been used as basic technique. As a result of consideration, we found that the techniques of KANBE resembles techniques of TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI and aides of him very much. Therefore it is guessed that KANBE had come under the great influence of HIDEYOSHI.


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こんな論文どうですか? 黒田官兵衛の城郭・城下町設計に与えた豊臣秀吉の影響(宇土 徹ほか),2009 https://t.co/hKof4OkkNI This paper aims to elucidate the subjects used on…

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