五十里 洋行 後藤 仁志 吉年 英文
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.65, no.1, pp.46-50, 2009

In order to simulate an occurrence process of tsunami induced by a slope failure due to an earthquake, it is required to treat an elastoplastic analysis for slope failure, fluid analysis and fluid-elastoplastic interaction in the numerical model. Therefore, in this study, by using the particle method which is suitable for an analysis on large deformation of soil and complicated water surface change, the fluid-elastoplastic hybrid model is developed to simulate a complicated process of a slope failure induced tsunami. In this model, an elastoplastic analysis including large deformation of soil and a fluid analysis are unified.


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@Boppo2011 斜面崩壊誘発型津波の数値解析のための流体-弾塑性体ハイブリッド粒子法の開発 Development of Fluid-Elastoplastic Hybrid Particle Method for Tsunami Simulation due to Slope Failure https://t.co/GKrPPi4glB

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