川本 隆史
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2009, no.60, pp.33-50_L4, 2009

Confronting a host of difficult issues of widening disparities which emerge within domestic and international affairs, I attempt in this paper to flesh out the conception of a just and caring society by considering appropriate conditions for the taxation system thereof.<br>For this purpose I conjointly apply two methodologies: reflective equilibrium (Rawls) and &lsquo;dis-aggregation&rsquo; (attributed to Sen by Yoichi Mine). Firstly I examine three joint ideas bridging a gap between difference and equality in Rawlsian social justice; (1) fraternity, (2) reciprocity, and (3) democracy. Then I dig into Rawls' and Kant's theories of taxation in some detail and propose a way of reinterpreting the Rawlsian concerns with justice in terms of Sen's notion of capabilities. (In this regard Makoto Yuasa's Japanese translation of &lsquo;capability&rsquo; as &lsquo;tame&rsquo; is highly suggestive.) The classical ideal of fraternity proves in need of careful elaboration.


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CiNii 論文 -  格差原理・デモクラティックな平等・租税による支え合い:――"溜め"のある社会をめざして―― https://t.co/QyRU2sqlJD #CiNii

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