酒井 利信
Japanese Academy of Budo
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.23, no.1, pp.36-44, 1990

The thought that recognizes swords to be transcendent existed in the ancient times, and the swords had the character of ceremonial outfit. In the Middle Ages, common swords that were used as a practical weapon, also had this thought.<br>The purpose of this study is to consider a view of swords in the Middle Ages from &ldquo;GUNKIMONOGATARI&rdquo;, and to make it clear what existed in the bottom of people's consciousness that formed this view, and what is features of this view.<br>The results can be summarized as follows.<br>1. Image of the myth, that existed in the bottom of people's consciousness, formed a view of swords in the Middle Ages.<br>2. In the Middle Ages, swords themselves suggested the metaphorical God that existed behind.


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⑥武道学研究 23 中世における刀剣観に関する一考察―軍記物語を中心に― 刀剣の超越性に関する話。刀がひとりでに〇〇を斬った、妖を斬ったというような話がある刀剣について、知っておくと解像度が上がりそうな論文。 https://t.co/6hphnKTSHt
CiNii 論文 - 中世における刀剣観に関する一考察―軍記物語を中心に― https://t.co/X6SuzmeU3j #CiNii これは日本刀のことが三分の二くらい入ってる。
@Araranosatto うーん、軍記物の刀を集めた刀剣の話の書籍は見たことがないですね。だいたい伝説上の刀とか怪談と刀とかばっかりですよね。 http://t.co/afxK9Or6nA これとかどうでしょう。

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