Liao Yen Chang 鈴木 誠也 吉村 雅満
公益社団法人 日本表面科学会
vol.36, 2016

The influence of transfer process conditions on the morphology of graphene and its electrical characteristic were investigated in this work. The as-grown CVD graphene was transferred by using wet chemical graphene transfer process. The supporting layer and substrate are PMMA and silicon dioxide. Optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize graphene quality. It was found that the concentration of supporting layer and substrate cleaning treatment such as UV ozone and oxygen gases plasma can enhance or degrade graphene quality. 


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こんな論文どうですか? Reliable transfer of large-area single-crystal CVD graphene for field effect tra(Liao Yen Changほか),2016 … https://t.co/W54Ewz0MKD

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