倉橋 耕平
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.74, pp.153-171, 2009

<p> Our concern i s to examine i ssues relating to the falsification of the NHK television</p><p>program" ETV 2001" broadcasted on Jan. 30, 2001. But here we limit our</p><p>discussion to the matter of press freedom. The judgment each pronounced by</p><p>the Supreme Court and the Tokyo High Court i llustrate the point. The former</p><p>took account of" the freedom of expression" i ndemnified by the Constitution of</p><p>Japan, the latter condemned an i llegality of NHK for dereliction of i ts duty as a</p><p>corporate body. It i s clear that there are substantial discrepancies between</p><p>them i n the concept of freedom.</p>


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