川端 邦明 淺間 一 田中 雅之
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料
vol.2, pp.86, 2002

One of important role of communication in multiple robot system is to make it possible to control the other agents based on intention transmission. In this study, we are discussing that multiple mobile robot system can acquire adaptive function by treating communication as one of actions for extending D.O.F. of the system. Purpose of this research is to realize the emerging action among multiple robots including communication. In this report, we try computer simulations of collision avoidance as one of environment co-creation task.


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こんな論文どうですか? マルチロボット環境下におけるロボットの拡自行動:∼ロボット間コミュニケーションの創発による環境共創∼(川端 邦明ほか),2002 https://t.co/0j18Mya6FW One of importan…

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