大久保 圭介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.3, pp.281-291, 2018

<p>The Caregiving System Scale (CSS: Shaver, Mikulincer, & Shemesh-Iron, 2010) was recently developed measure designed to assess the individual differences in the caregiving internal working model. The purpose of the present study was to translate the CSS into Japanese (CSS-J) and evaluate its validity and reliability. To accomplish this, we conducted four studies. In Study 1 (<i>n</i> = 600), we translated the CSS and replicated its two-factor model based on confirmatory factor analysis. After that, in Study 2 (<i>n</i> = 315), we examined the correlations between the CSS and other variables for criterion-related validation. In Study 3 (<i>n</i> = 229), we determined that previous helping success or failure experiences influenced a person's current anxiety and avoidance levels, as measured by the CSS-J. In Study 4 (<i>n</i> = 31), we examined the test-retest reliability of the CSS-J among some participants from Study 3. The results of these four studies confirmed the validity and reliability of the CSS-J. We concluded that the CSS-J is useful for studying the various aspects of helping and attachment theory.</p>


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