江口 圭一 戸梶 亜紀彦
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.24, no.2, pp.89-101, 2011

The present study discussed how organizational citizenship behavior, which is considered to improvethe effectiveness of an organization, is affected by cultural views of self and work values. We surveyeduniversity students who had working experience (N=115, mean age 21.7 years, SD=4.0). Independenceof cultural views of self was positively correlated with two subscales of organizational citizenshipbehavior. However, Interdependence of cultural views of self was not significantly correlated withorganizational citizenship behavior. Using hierarchical multiple regression analyses, Independence ofcultural views of self and Development of Self of work values positively influenced part of organizationalcitizenship behavior, while Sense of Achievement of work values negatively did. In addition,Development of Self and Contribution to Society of work values indicated significant moderator effects.Therefore it was suggested that cultural views of self and work values were antecedence factors oforganizational citizenship behavior.


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CiNii 論文 -  職業生活において文化的自己観と労働価値観が組織市民行動に及ぼす影響--若年労働者を対象とした研究 http://t.co/XLPNlWMbse #CiNii

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