劉 博昊
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2019, no.32, pp.119-130, 2019

<p>The aim of this paper is to examine how moral education in Japan is or is not possible by using Niklas Luhmann's systems theory. In this paper, I show that it is more appropriate to consider moral education as educational communication under the control of a binary code of "good/not good", rather than moral communication based on "respect/disrespect". Students who receive education about morality will be busy concerning themselves with their teacher's evaluation. Moral education is almost impossible as a method of changing a student into a moral person because moral education itself is a paradox. However, moral education is possible as a program in an education system through a process called de-paradoxication.</p>


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[Luhmann][社会学] ZIPで送ってくれ。/劉 博昊(2019)「学校における道徳教育はいかにして(不)可能か:N. Luhmannのシステム論を手がかりに」 年報社会学論集 32, 119-130, 2019, 関東社会学会

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