松田 和信
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.68, no.1, pp.1-11, 2019

<p>The "<i>Tridaṇḍa</i>" is a ritual sūtra or sūtra used for the purpose of liturgical chanting, in which <i>āgama-sūtra</i>s are sandwiched between Aśvaghoṣa's verses. Researchers have so far believed that only the <i>Anityatā-sūtra</i>, which Yijing translated into Chinese, is the <i>Tridaṇḍa</i>. The Sanskrit manuscript of the <i>Tridaṇḍamālā </i>preserved at sPos khang monastery in Tibet, however, contains forty <i>Tridaṇḍa sūtra</i>s. With the discovery of this manuscript, it has been proven that the <i>Tridaṇḍa</i> does not indicate the <i>Anityatā-sūtra</i> only, but rather the entire forty texts as a whole. The <i>Anityatā-sūtra</i> is the eleventh among those forty <i>Tridaṇḍa </i>texts. In this presentation, I analyze the eighth <i>Tridaṇḍa</i>, the <i>Paramārthaśūnyatā-sūtra</i>, and provide the entire Sanskrit text of the <i>Paramārthaśūnyatā-sūtra</i>, a famous sūtra often quoted in numerous Abhidharma treatises, fully retrieved from this manuscript for the first time. Furthermore, I was able to identify that the verses presented before and after this sūtra are from Aśvaghoṣa's <i>Buddhacarita</i>. It is especially noteworthy that I was able to retrieve fifteen verses on non-self (<i>anātman</i>) from Canto 16 of the <i>Buddhacarita</i>, the Sanskrit version of which had been missing until now. Finally, I have thus far collected 123 verses, corresponding to the missing verses from the <i>Buddhacarita </i>Canto 15 or later from this <i>Tridaṇḍamālā </i>manuscript.</p>


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松田先生関連論文三つ。「三啓集(Tridaṇḍamālāにおける勝義空経とブッダチャリタ」『印仏研』(68-1), 2019(https://t.co/wwkrzp9JYC). 「ブッダチャリタ第16章に見られるアートマン批判―三啓集写本による梵文テキストと和訳―」『インド論理学研究』12, 2020(ネット内では公開されてないのかな).

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