賀沢 秀人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.284-291, 2021

<p>Deep Learning achieved significant progresses in building intelligent systems. Some state-of-the-art Deep Learning systems are touted as "human parity" or even "super human". At the same time, it is often criticized for the lack of understanding of internal workings especially when such systems are considered for real world applications. Cognitive Science, on the other hand, is a scientific discipline aiming to understand internal workings of human-like intelligent behaviours. Thus a question arises: Is Deep Learning a subject of Cognitive Science? This article discusses what can be a subject of Cognitive Science and whether Deep Learning qualifies as such. It is also discussed what kind of connections can be established between these two disciplines even if Deep Learning is not be a direct subject of Cognitive Science.</p>


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