宮崎 市定
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.18, no.3, 1959-12

It has been known that the Yung-cheng emperor paid special attention to the local administration and adopted some new policies for it. Here the author asks what degree the emperor's intentions were realized. He tries to offer an answer through analysing Lan Ting-yuan (藍鼎元)'s Lu-chou-kung-an (鹿州公案), i.e. the original records of the struggle against the interrupters of his administration when he was Chih-hsien (知縣) at P'u-ning and Chao-yang prefecture, Chao-chou-fu (潮州府), Kuang-tung (廣東) province. Most disturbances were arose from the activities of Shu-li (胥吏), Tu-hao (土豪), Wo-tao (窩盜) and Sung-shih (訟師). Inspite of victoryover them, he was removed from his post because of his chief's unreasonable hatred. However the emperor did not leave such a talented officer tosuffer unjustly. Later he was restored his honor and promoted to Chih-fu (知府). The author concludes from the above story that the emperor's efforts for the local administration had actual results in practice.


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