一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.131, pp.51-84, 2006-03

戦場における佐倉歩兵第五七連隊の行動は、いくつかの連隊史や回想録で比較的よく知られている。しかし、兵士たちの平時の日常生活、意識については不明な点も多いように思われる。本稿は一九三四(昭和九)年に連隊のある上等兵がほぼ毎日書いていた日記帳の内容を分析して、連隊の兵士が毎日どのような訓練・生活を送っていたのかを再構成することを目的とする。日記の筆者は(おそらく)三三年一月現役入営し、翌三四年七月一九日除隊している。日記帳にはこのうち三四年一月一日から除隊後の同年八月一八日までの記述がある。具体的に千葉での演習・勤務、富士山麓での演習、対抗競技と連隊への帰属意識、日常の衣食住、私的制裁、連隊と地域社会との関わり、といった諸テーマを設定して、兵士たちの〈日常〉の再構成に努めるとともに、彼らが自己の所属する軍隊をどうみていたのか、それは帝国軍隊の支持基盤たりえたのか、といった問題にも展望を示したい。なお、参考資料として、本日記の全文を連隊生活とは直接関係のない除隊後のものを除き、翻刻した。The activities of the 57th Sakura Infantry Regiment on the battlefield are relatively well known from a number of regimental histories and memoirs. However, little is known about the daily life and thoughts of soldiers during peacetime. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the daily training and life of soldiers in the regiment from the study of a diary written virtually everyday by a private first class in the regiment in 1934. The diarist most likely took up his position in January 1933 and then left the regiment on July 19, 1934. The diary contains entries from January 1 through August 18, 1934, by which time he had been discharged from the regiment.This paper attempts to reconstruct the daily lives of soldiers and covers the topics of exercises and duties in Chiba, exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji, competitive sports and loyalty to the regiment, everyday clothing, food and shelter, un-offirial forms of punishment, and the relationship between the regiment and the local community. It also takes a look at how the soldiers regarded the regiment they were attached to and whether this constituted support for the Imperial Army. It may be noted that this diary, with the exception of the part following the writer's discharge from the regiment which is not directly related to the daily activities of the regiment, has been republished in full to provide background information.


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お、なんかおもしろそう... CiNii 論文 -  佐倉連隊の日常生活--昭和9年のある上等兵日記から (共同研究 佐倉連隊と地域民衆) http://t.co/MoAMPivyve #CiNii

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