一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.131, pp.51-84, 2006-03-25

野上 元 西村 明 柳原 伸洋 蘭 信三 渡邊 勉 福間 良明 山本 昭宏 一ノ瀬 俊也 木村 豊

一ノ瀬 俊也
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.112, no.8, pp.1370-1385, 2003

The intent of the present article is to analyze "histories" compiled by each regiment in the Japanese army from the Russo through the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing but attempts to praise "the heroic past" and provide a means to instill such a consciousness in both the troops and society in general.The historical remembrances of the Russo-Japanese conflict were more and more emphasized with the outbreak of the First World War and the anti-war and anti-militarization movement that accompanied it.The descriptions of those who had died in past conflict were intended to stir the emotions of the troops and provide a route by which to legitimized "dying forons's country".Even on the local level during that time, "memorials to veterans" of both wars were compiled with the similar intention of establishing a forum upon which to instill a common sentiment about the viewpoints and logic of the military within local society.After the outbreak of the Manchurian Incident, "regimental histories" took on two distinct forms.The first consisted of memoirs concerning the victorious history of the Russo-and Sino-Japanese Wars, which in addition to insisting upon Japan's legitimate claim to Manchuria, tried to prove that even the Japanese people, who had not really experienced a genuine war since the Russo-Japanese conflict and had become used to peace, could indeed win another full-scale war, thus playing a role in attempts to instill"definite behavior patterns" and encourage the country's fighting spirit.The second contained contemporary regiment-by-regiment accounts of the Manchurina Incident told from the personal views of individual combatants with the intention of verifying the regiment's consciousness concerning the Incident, encouraging further sacrifices for the cause, and appsaling to society at large.The veteran memorial literature published on the local level at that time were compiled with a similar intent in mind, attempting like during World War I to instill military ideals and persuasive logic into society at large.
一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.131, pp.51-84, 2006-03

戦場における佐倉歩兵第五七連隊の行動は、いくつかの連隊史や回想録で比較的よく知られている。しかし、兵士たちの平時の日常生活、意識については不明な点も多いように思われる。本稿は一九三四(昭和九)年に連隊のある上等兵がほぼ毎日書いていた日記帳の内容を分析して、連隊の兵士が毎日どのような訓練・生活を送っていたのかを再構成することを目的とする。日記の筆者は(おそらく)三三年一月現役入営し、翌三四年七月一九日除隊している。日記帳にはこのうち三四年一月一日から除隊後の同年八月一八日までの記述がある。具体的に千葉での演習・勤務、富士山麓での演習、対抗競技と連隊への帰属意識、日常の衣食住、私的制裁、連隊と地域社会との関わり、といった諸テーマを設定して、兵士たちの〈日常〉の再構成に努めるとともに、彼らが自己の所属する軍隊をどうみていたのか、それは帝国軍隊の支持基盤たりえたのか、といった問題にも展望を示したい。なお、参考資料として、本日記の全文を連隊生活とは直接関係のない除隊後のものを除き、翻刻した。The activities of the 57th Sakura Infantry Regiment on the battlefield are relatively well known from a number of regimental histories and memoirs. However, little is known about the daily life and thoughts of soldiers during peacetime. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the daily training and life of soldiers in the regiment from the study of a diary written virtually everyday by a private first class in the regiment in 1934. The diarist most likely took up his position in January 1933 and then left the regiment on July 19, 1934. The diary contains entries from January 1 through August 18, 1934, by which time he had been discharged from the regiment.This paper attempts to reconstruct the daily lives of soldiers and covers the topics of exercises and duties in Chiba, exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji, competitive sports and loyalty to the regiment, everyday clothing, food and shelter, un-offirial forms of punishment, and the relationship between the regiment and the local community. It also takes a look at how the soldiers regarded the regiment they were attached to and whether this constituted support for the Imperial Army. It may be noted that this diary, with the exception of the part following the writer's discharge from the regiment which is not directly related to the daily activities of the regiment, has been republished in full to provide background information.
一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.131, pp.51-84, 2006-03

戦場における佐倉歩兵第五七連隊の行動は、いくつかの連隊史や回想録で比較的よく知られている。しかし、兵士たちの平時の日常生活、意識については不明な点も多いように思われる。本稿は一九三四(昭和九)年に連隊のある上等兵がほぼ毎日書いていた日記帳の内容を分析して、連隊の兵士が毎日どのような訓練・生活を送っていたのかを再構成することを目的とする。日記の筆者は(おそらく)三三年一月現役入営し、翌三四年七月一九日除隊している。日記帳にはこのうち三四年一月一日から除隊後の同年八月一八日までの記述がある。具体的に千葉での演習・勤務、富士山麓での演習、対抗競技と連隊への帰属意識、日常の衣食住、私的制裁、連隊と地域社会との関わり、といった諸テーマを設定して、兵士たちの〈日常〉の再構成に努めるとともに、彼らが自己の所属する軍隊をどうみていたのか、それは帝国軍隊の支持基盤たりえたのか、といった問題にも展望を示したい。なお、参考資料として、本日記の全文を連隊生活とは直接関係のない除隊後のものを除き、翻刻した。The activities of the 57th Sakura Infantry Regiment on the battlefield are relatively well known from a number of regimental histories and memoirs. However, little is known about the daily life and thoughts of soldiers during peacetime. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the daily training and life of soldiers in the regiment from the study of a diary written virtually everyday by a private first class in the regiment in 1934. The diarist most likely took up his position in January 1933 and then left the regiment on July 19, 1934. The diary contains entries from January 1 through August 18, 1934, by which time he had been discharged from the regiment.This paper attempts to reconstruct the daily lives of soldiers and covers the topics of exercises and duties in Chiba, exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji, competitive sports and loyalty to the regiment, everyday clothing, food and shelter, un-offirial forms of punishment, and the relationship between the regiment and the local community. It also takes a look at how the soldiers regarded the regiment they were attached to and whether this constituted support for the Imperial Army. It may be noted that this diary, with the exception of the part following the writer's discharge from the regiment which is not directly related to the daily activities of the regiment, has been republished in full to provide background information.
一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.126, pp.119-131, 2006-01

太平洋戦争中、補給を断たれて多くの餓死・病死者を出したメレヨン島から生還した将校・兵士たちをして体験記の筆をとらしめたのは、死んだ戦友、その遺族に対する「申し訳なさ」の感情であり、そこから死の様子が描かれ、後世に伝えられることになった。あるいは自己の苛酷な体験を「追憶」へ変えたいというひそかな願いもあった。自己の体験をなんとか意義付けたい、しかし戦友の死の悲惨さは被い隠せない、と揺れる心情もみてとれた。このように生還者たちの記した「体験」の性格は多面的であり、容易に単純化・一本化できるような性質のものではない。戦後行われてきた戦死者「慰霊」の背後には、そうした複雑な思いがあった。いくつかのメレヨン体験記を通じて浮かびあがってきたのは、「昭和」が終わり、戦後五〇年以上たってなおやまない、〈戦争責任〉への執拗な問いであった。その矛先は、時に天皇にまで及んだ。たとえそこで外国への、あるいは己れの戦争責任が問われることがなかったとしても、「責任を問うこと」へのこだわりや「死んでいく者の念頭に靖国はなかったろう」という当事者たちの文章は、戦後日本における「先の戦争」観の実相を問ううえでも、さらには戦争体験の風化・美化を進める今後の世代が前の世代の「戦中の特攻精神や飢えの苦しみは戦後教育と飽食に育った世代の理解は不可」という声に抗して「戦争体験」を引き継ぐさい、今一度想起されてよいのではないか。Former officers and soldiers who survived their time on Mereyon Island during the Pacific War, when the disruption of supplies ended in the death through starvation and disease of many in the Japanese army, have put pen to paper to record their experiences. These reminiscences contain sentiments of "apology" to their fallen comrades in arms and their families, and describe the circumstances of their deaths, which can be passed on to future generations. They also represent a hidden desire to transform their own harsh experiences into "reminiscences". They also tremble with emotion as they seek to give some meaning to their own experiences and are not able to hide the tragedy of the deaths of their fellow soldiers. In this way, the characteristics of the recorded "experiences" of these survivors are varied, and cannot be easily simplified or unified. Such complex emotions are to be found behind post-war "memorials" to the war dead.One theme that reveals itself from several records of their experiences on Mereyon Island is the persistent question of responsibility for the war, which is still asked today, 17 years after the end the Showa period and more than half a century after the war. At times, the brunt of this question is directed as high up as to the emperor. Even if foreign countries or the soldiers themselves have not been brought to task over responsibility for the war in their writings, the obsession with "asking who was responsible" and the words of the people of that time that say "Those about to die would not have thought about Yasukuni (Shrine)" question the reality of the view in post-war Japan of "the next war". Their writings should be remembered once again when inheriting "war experiences", as future generations subjected to the toning down and romanticizing of war experiences are faced with voices from the preceding generation claiming that "It is impossible for those generations educated after the war who have only known full stomachs to understand the suicidal spirit and suffering of starvation that were present during the war".
一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.91, pp.99-117, 2001-03-30

一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.126, pp.119-131, 2006-01-31

一ノ瀬 俊也
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.112, no.8, pp.1370-1385, 2003-08-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The intent of the present article is to analyze "histories" compiled by each regiment in the Japanese army from the Russo through the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing but attempts to praise "the heroic past" and provide a means to instill such a consciousness in both the troops and society in general.The historical remembrances of the Russo-Japanese conflict were more and more emphasized with the outbreak of the First World War and the anti-war and anti-militarization movement that accompanied it.The descriptions of those who had died in past conflict were intended to stir the emotions of the troops and provide a route by which to legitimized "dying forons's country".Even on the local level during that time, "memorials to veterans" of both wars were compiled with the similar intention of establishing a forum upon which to instill a common sentiment about the viewpoints and logic of the military within local society.After the outbreak of the Manchurian Incident, "regimental histories" took on two distinct forms.The first consisted of memoirs concerning the victorious history of the Russo-and Sino-Japanese Wars, which in addition to insisting upon Japan's legitimate claim to Manchuria, tried to prove that even the Japanese people, who had not really experienced a genuine war since the Russo-Japanese conflict and had become used to peace, could indeed win another full-scale war, thus playing a role in attempts to instill"definite behavior patterns" and encourage the country's fighting spirit.The second contained contemporary regiment-by-regiment accounts of the Manchurina Incident told from the personal views of individual combatants with the intention of verifying the regiment's consciousness concerning the Incident, encouraging further sacrifices for the cause, and appsaling to society at large.The veteran memorial literature published on the local level at that time were compiled with a similar intent in mind, attempting like during World War I to instill military ideals and persuasive logic into society at large.
有馬 学 季武 嘉也 中村 尚史 日比野 利信 永島 広紀 一ノ瀬 俊也

一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.102, pp.593-610, 2003-03

一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.102, pp.593-610, 2003-03-31
