三宅 なほみ 齊藤 萌木 飯窪 真也
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.441-458, 2011

The Consortium for Renovating Education for the Future, founded at the University of Tokyo in 2009, has been striving to help teachers develop a networked community for creating authentically learner-centered classrooms. The classes are designed on a cognitive framework where the constructively interactive components during classroom student discussions provide individual students with a chance to express and reflect upon their own ideas as well as others, for integrating and constructively deepening them. This community currently involves more than 100 teachers coming from sixty-nine schools, ranging from elementary to high-schools. The paper reports its success for helping teachers to create sub-communities around their locations as well as their subject areas, so that they could collaboratively share the prime plans for similar classes and reflect upon their outcomes. Discussions on future plans conclude the paper.


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@KobayashiShot4 発達心理学事典だと「Miyake, N.(1986). Constructive interaction and iterative processes of understanding. Cognitive Science, 10,151- 177」を出典に「建設的相互作用」の説明を書いてますね。自分は「学習者中心型授業へのアプローチ : 知識構成型ジグソー法を軸に」https://t.co/OCaJ3wV3Sf

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