白石 龍生 長光 李恵 千田 幸美
大阪教育大学紀要. 第3部門, 自然科学・応用科学 (ISSN:13457209)
vol.60, no.1, pp.51-56, 2011-09

女子大学生を対象に,携帯電話を介したインターネットへの依存と自尊感情とのかかわりについて調査を行った。自尊感情が低いものほどインターネットに依存する傾向が強いと考えていたが,両者には強い相関関係は認められなかった。今後は,メールの回数や時間などについても明らかにする必要があると考えている。自尊感情を育むにはどうすればよいか継続的な研究が望まれるところである。In recent years, there are many people who take mobile phone. They access the internet by mobile phone. The present study examined the relation between the tendency toward internet dependence and self-esteem as life skill. 242 college students were answered the questionnaire including the tendency toward internet dependence, the time of using mobile phone, the duration of using mobile phone for a day and self-esteem. Self-esteem was assessed by Rosenberg's self-esteem scale. 41.5% of the subjects started using mobile phone since junior high school age. Mean score of the tendency toward internet dependence was 7.74 (SD4.22) and mean score of self-esteem was 25.35 (SD3.05), respectively. The subjects used mobile phone over 150 minutes for a day indicated high score of the tendency toward internet dependence significantly. There was not a close relationship between the tendency toward internet dependence and self -esteem. It is necessary to investigate the effect of another life skill on the tendency toward internet dependence.


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