鈴木 万希枝
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.128, pp.179-206, 2012-03

特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文In recent years, news access in multiple formats on multiple platforms emerged. By taking diary records of graduate students' news exposure in this media environment, this study investigated (1) the pattern of using platforms to acquire news and (2) content preference on news exposure. Results indicated that young generation uses internet (PC) more than TV to acquire news. News diary of the participants showed that they acquire news on various platforms, such as web portal, an online newspaper, RSS, mixi news, and Twitter/Facebook. Some patterns of platforms' usage are recorded. It is suggested that the pattern of news diffusion could change because SNS such as mixi, Twitter and Facebook is the main news source for many cases.The results showed that most youth were exposed only to soft news except for the news about the earthquake. Meanwhile, only a small number of participants acquired hard news such as business or political news. Most hard news readers used RSS.


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先行文献 / “CiNii 論文 -  若年層のニュース消費に関する研究 : 情報源接触パタンおよびニュース情報への選択的接触の検討” http://t.co/mbCT08Y4

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