古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Keita Koga
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.28, no.2, pp.77-96, 2015-01

Tadao Yanaihara(1893-1961) was a pious Christian, a follower of Kannzo Uchimura. On the basis of his Christian faith, he fought against the imperialistic war and the exclusive hyper-nationalism which oppressed freedom of thought and conscience from 1932 to the end of the war. This article attempts to make clear the character of his conception of pacifism, nationalism, and the Emperor system. He regarded himself as a prophet for Japan and felt a responsibility and mission to warn against the militaristic government and nationalistic people, as Isaiah and Jeremaiah did in the Old Testament.
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Koga Keita
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.29, no.3, pp.35-54, 2016-03

This article attempts to analyze the conception of democracy and absolute pacifism in Yanaihara's political thought. For Yanaihara democracy didn't mean majority rule or due process ,but meant creation of political subject who bearsresponsibility for his nation. As to his pacifism he refused the role of balance of power in international relations and went too far into the negation of the right of self defense. Since he was skeptical of the conception "justice" in politicalarena, he clearly denied to distinguish just war and unjust war. Yanaihara insisted that democracy and absolute pacifism can be fully realized, when nations experience the religious reformation in their souls. In this sense,democracy and absolute pacifism go hand in hand with spiritual revolutionoccurred by Christianity. It is true that such an approach met with severecriticism, but it's a really interesesting attempt to consider the public role ofreligion, if, we don't confine religion in the private affair.
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Keita Koga
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.2, pp.77-96, 2015-01-31

Tadao Yanaihara(1893-1961) was a pious Christian, a follower of Kannzo Uchimura. On the basis of his Christian faith, he fought against the imperialistic war and the exclusive hyper-nationalism which oppressed freedom of thought and conscience from 1932 to the end of the war. This article attempts to make clear the character of his conception of pacifism, nationalism, and the Emperor system. He regarded himself as a prophet for Japan and felt a responsibility and mission to warn against the militaristic government and nationalistic people, as Isaiah and Jeremaiah did in the Old Testament.