徐 輝 ジョ キ Xu Hui
大東アジア学論集 (ISSN:21859760)
vol.14, pp.44-63, 2014-03-31

The history of overseas Chinese school in Japan is longer than that of Indian school in Japan. It is very important for overseas Chinese and overseas Indians who live in Japan to receive a traditional education with ethnic cultural characteristics. This paper examines the actual situation of overseas Chinese and Indian school in Japan. Overseas Chinese and Indians are different groups and both have different cultures. What kind of change did the overseas Chinese and Indian schools take place? This comparative study deals with the issues such as what kind of characteristic are there in the overseas Chinese and Indian schools in Japan, and how is the performance regarding the entrance into a universities? Lastly, based on the above mentioned analysis, I will sum up the common and different points between the overseas Chinese and Indian.
カジョキンニキタ 谷口 由紀 萩原 一郎 サブチェンコウラディミール
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.45, no.4, pp.1202-1211, 2004-04-15

画像上の傷の修復問題にCSRBF 法を適用する.ここでは,著者らが開発した高速アルゴリズムに基づくCSRBF 法を用いて,画像上についた傷を修復するための手法の新たな開発を行う.本報で開発した手法を用いると,従来の画像の傷修復アルゴリズムではできなかった広範囲に及ぶ傷や大きな傷の修復を,短時間に精度良く行うことができる.また,本報では,テクスチャ模様のような色の変化が大きい画像修復に適している新たなLCSRBF 法や,多角形的な傷の修復問題に対する新しい手法の開発も行い,実際の使用例を提示してこれらの有効性について述べる.We employ the method of compactly supported radial basis functions (CSRBF)for a problem of fulfillment of damaged surface areas.In this paper we propose a new technique based on the method of CSRBF for retouching surface of damaged areas.By using our method,we can retouch disconnected large areas.It is enough speed and accuracy for practical use.We also develop a new method of LCSRBF (local compactly supported radial basis functions) for image retouching of textured images which have a sharp change in the color and a new technique for surface retouching of polygonal objects with missing or damaged areas in this paper.We show these efficacy by giving experimental results.