木戸 めぐみ 三反田 詩織 倉田 理恵 寺原 典彦 吉元 誠 キド メグミ サンタンダ シオリ クラタ リエ テラハラ ノリヒコ ヨシモト マコト Megumi Kido Shiori Santanda Rie Kurata Norihiko Terahara Makoto Yoshimoto
南九州地域科学研究所所報 (ISSN:09110275)
no.30, pp.7-12, 2014

b-Amylase [EC] is an important enzyme for the industrial production of maltose as sweetener and as protective of starch degradation in food processing. Effects of polyphenolics, anthocyanin dyes and caffeic aid-derivatives prepared from sweetpotato on sweetpotato b-amylase were investigated for its industrial utilization. Crude extract of anthocyanin dyes did not inhibit b-amylase activity at a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml reaction mixture. In caffeoyl acid-derivatives, 3,4-dicaffeoyl-quinic acid had no inhibitory effect at a concentration of 2.0 mg/ml. Caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and 3,5-dicaffeoyl-quinic acid showed the inhibitory activity of about 20% against b-amylase at the same concentration.