三上 舞 杉山 京 中尾 竜二 竹本 与志人
岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13412531)
vol.22, pp.115-122, 2015

本研究の目的は、認知症予防講座の参加者を対象に認知症の人との接触経験の状況と認知症の人に対する態度の関係について明らかにすることである。A 市およびB 市の地域住民112 名を対象に、無記名自記式で回答を求め、統計解析には欠損値のない92 名のデータを用いた。接触経験を独立変数、認知症の人に対する肯定的態度および否定的態度を従属変数とした因果関係モデルを構築し、パス解析を用いて検証を行った。その結果、接触経験は否定的態度と関連が確認されなかったが、認知症の人に対する肯定的態度との間には「現在、介護をしている」ことが有意に関連していた。今後は対象者を拡大し、再検証していくことが課題である。The present study aims to understand the relationship between experience of contact with persons suffering from dementia and attitudes toward people with dementia. A Self-administered questionnaire was distributed among 112 participants in dementia prevention classes in "A" and "B" cities. The data obtained from 92 respondents were analyzed. The relationship between positive and negative attitudes toward dementia and the experience of contact with persons suffering from dementia were estimated. Subsequently, the causal sequence was modeled and analyzed using path analysis. Results did not indicate that negative attitudes significantly influenced the experience of contact with persons suffering from dementia. However, positive attitudes significantly influenced experience of contact with persons suffering from dementia, as these individuals had cared for a person suffering from this disorder. The present study indicated that participants who have cared for a person with dementia demonstrate positive attitudes toward people suffering from this disorder. Further research is necessary with a larger sample size and should be comprehensively reviewed.