堤 富士雄 中島 慶人 伊藤 憲彦 三浦 輝久 廣瀬 文子
vol.2012, no.17, pp.1-7, 2012-07-12

つまみを回転させるだけで瞬時に節電を行える「節電ボリューム」を提案する.節電ボリュームは,つまみを回して指定した節電電力量を満たすように,各家電の効用を考慮し,瞬時に機器を制御する.本提案の特徴は「シンプルな操作(しぼるだけ)で節電」「いつでも,どこでも,すぐに節電」「見える化と機器操作の一体化」「家電はこれまでどおりに使える」の4点である.本稿では,節電ボリュームの基本コンセプトを,特にヒューマンコンピュータインタラクションの観点から述べ,開発したプロトタイプの動作確認で分かった効果と課題を示す.This paper proposes a new tool named "Power Volume" to support consumer's daily energy saving activity. The tool has a knob type user interface, and a user can rotate it to the left to decrease total power consumption in user's house. When the user rotates the knob, the energy saving system of the tool immediately controls the power usage of home appliances based on their marginal utility to hold down the total power consumption. This paper describes the key concept of the tool especially on the view point of human computer interaction. We developed a prototype of the tool and a home appliance energy usage simulator to evaluate our tool. This paper also describes the usability and the subject of our tool based on several elementary use experiments.