上原 直人
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.29, pp.15-24, 2004-12-25

The purpose of this paper is to examine the definition of "Seiji Kyouiku". Generally, "Seiji Kyouiku" has been discussed mainly relation to the formation of Fundamental Law of Education Article VIII "Political Education". However, this paper discusses the process of formation of the idea of "Seiji Kyouiku" between the period of the 1920s and the Postwar Educational Reform, considering that the Post Educational Reform was related to the prewar Theory on Education and that the word "Seiji Kyoiku" could be seen in the document from the Prewar time. Through the analysis, I got four important finds. First, the idea of "Seiji Kyouiku", which had been spread over the universal suffrage in the 1920s, was mentioned mainly in relation to the election enlightenment in the 1930s. Second, after the latter half of the 1930s, the meaning of "Seiji Kyouiku" had been changed and the word had rarely been used because of the reconstruction of the notion of "Komin" and the broad extent of the criticism for the theory of the Emperor as an organ of government. Third, although the word "Seiji Kyouiku" could be used again after the Post Educational Reform, the meaning of the word had been argued from the point of the relationship with "Komin Kyouiku". Finally, the definition of "Seiji Kyouiku" is different between Pedagogy and Politics. That is, while cultivating people's political mind is valued in Pedagogy, maintaining the stable political system is made much of emphasized in Politics.
上原 直人 Uehara Naoto
生涯学習・キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18803148)
vol.13, pp.9-21, 2017-03-31

The aim of this paper is to reveal the actual conditions of Seinendan Kousyuujo (hereinafter, referred to as Kousyuujo), which was held a total of 19 times between 1931 and 1937 at Yokuonkan, a branch of Nippon Seinenkan, for the purpose of training leaders of young men between 20 and 30. Previous studies have offered an overview of the Kousyuujo and its general development process. This paper, however, will focus on records related to Kousyuujo that were held in Nippon Seinenkan, which had not been properly verified prior to this study. Through its meticulous analysis, this study was able to reveal the two following observations. The first observation concerns a certain degree of change noted in the management or structure of each session. In the year following Shimomura Kojin's appointment as Director, the number of sessions per year increased; with the collaboration of graduate students also increasing with each session. The second observation concerns the roles that research students played at Kousyuujo, and their paths after finishing the training sessions. It was revealed that social education research students' projects were conducted in conjunction with the establishment of Kousyuujo, as part of leadership training for local community education. The following two approaches will be crucial for future research. Firstly, further and more in-depth analysis into the lives and education of students at Kousyuujo is required. Second, an analysis of the progression of Kousyuujo during and after the war, after the sessions had ended, is needed.
上原 直人 UEHARA Naoto
生涯学習・キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18803148)
no.11, pp.1-10, 2015-03

Looking at Yoshiharu Tazawa (1885-1944) who is known as a prominent youth organization leader before the war and said to have influenced the development of adult and community education in Japan during the post-war reform period, this paper aims to analyze his behavior during the wartime in order to explain how he faced the wartime regime. While his major interest was youth education, Tazawa had also shown interest in political education and workers education even before the wartime regime began growing and developed various practices. Behind these educational practices was the educational philosophy to develop self-directed and creative individuals through cooperative life in local society. It is true that there was a side of Tazawa gradually involving himself in the wartime regime during the wartime while preserving the national polity and cooperating with the mobilization of the whole country. At the same time, we can clearly see the side of Tazawa resisting the wartime regime: while freedom of speech was strictly regulated and many advocates were forced to abandon their thoughts, Tazawa kept his distance from various organizations, launched criticisms toward the state of things that were being militarized, and continued exploring his own educational thought and practices. Going forward, it is necessary to further examine in depth both sides of Tazawa-involvement in and resistance to the wartime regime-by analyzing the development of his educational practices in detail.
上原 直人
生涯学習・社会教育学研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
vol.28, pp.1-9, 2003-12-25

Today, the Fundamental Law of Education is facing amendment. The intention of educating the Japanese to take part in the Formation of Nation and Society voluntarily is being reflected on Article VIII "Political Education". To make clear the background of this expectation for amendment, I discuss the cause of this intention mainly from a historical broad view, leading us to understand how the relationship between Nation and Individual has changed for a long history. Moreover, I analyze the details of the past studies and practices on political education from Postwar Educational Reform up to the present. Through the analysis and discussion, I can point out the following points. First, an argument on Article VIII "Political Education" originated in the process of having established the Fundamental Law of Education during Postwar Reform Period. Surprisingly, the idea of "Japanese Democracy", which does not make any contradiction between the Emperor system of Japan and Democracy, is found in the first low. Second, the interesting features exist in the process of Article VIII "Political Education" : 1) they had thought that political education should be legislated as an independent article at the stage of planning for Fundamental Law of Education. 2) they had not discussed well the contents of political education although they had argued how to control the teachers'political activities at school. 3) the meaning of the word "komin" or "seijikyouiku" had been discussed in relation with that during Prewar times. Finally, although the study about political education had been developed from the Postwar Period, "Political Education" has rarely been main concern for Education itself after 1970's. This may because that the ideas on political education have been penetrated individually into each of fields, such as human rights education, welfare education, environmental education, peace education, multi-cultural education, international understanding education, and so on, which have been recently doveloped.