石原 享介 中井 準 坂本 広子 李 英徹 岩崎 博信 梅田 文一 恒田 時雄 瀬尾 憲正
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.20, no.6, pp.688-693, 1982-06-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

A 31-year-old housewife with a history of recurrent eczema and otitis media was admitted in March 1981, because of progressive dyspnea. On admission she was semicomatotic, febrile and cyanotic. Inspiratory crackles were heard all over the lung. Eczema was present on the scalp. Chest X-ray showed bilateral consolidation. Arterial blood gas analysis showed marked hypoxemia. She was immediately placed on CPPV, large doses of antibiotics and hydrocortisone. During 10 days stay in ICU, her condition improved gradually.Her chest X-ray two weeks after admission showed residual scattered fine nodular densities with a partially confluent area. Because she had been using an ultrasonic humidifier in her home for four months before admission, an attempt to provocate the condition using her own humidifier was made. Four hours after humidifing besides her bed for one hour, a fever of 37.8°, leukocytosis and a decrease of vital capacity developed. Chest X-ray 22 hours after provocation showed new scattered fine densities. Microscopic examination of lung tissues obtained by transbronchial lung biopsy showed infiltration of lymphocytes with a few neutrophiles and eosinophiles to the alveolar wall.Candida albicans was cultured from water in the humidifier and precipitating antibody to this organism was detected in her serum. However inhalation provocation test using this organism was not performed.
岡崎 美樹 冨岡 洋海 長谷 川幹 片上 信之 坂本 廣子 石原 享介 岩崎 博信 梅田 文一 中井 準 岡田 行功 庄村 東洋
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.65, no.4, pp.293-297, 1990

A case of 22-year-old female with mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis and pericostal tuberculosis was reported.Her complaint was right chest pain and subcutaneous mass on the right chest wall.Chest contrast CT showed right paratracheal lymph node swelling with central low density area and surrounding rim enhancement, which has been reported as typical characteristics of mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenit is.Pigeon-egg sized subcutaneous mass with fluctuation was palpable on the right sternal border and the smear of its content showed acid-fast bacilli.In spite of two months therapy with antituberculous drugs, both masses were unchanged in size.The lesions resected surgically, were both encapsulated abscesses containing yellowish pus, and microscopic examination of these specimen disclosed the finding of tuberculosis.Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cultured from contents of both masses.After nine months of anti-tuberculous therapy, no sign of recurrence is observed until now.Both masses were discontinuous and the possibility of lymphangitic spread of organism was speculated as its etiology.