萩原 武士 中山 明子 岸下 裕之 中山 大嘉俊
大阪教育大学紀要. V, 教科教育 (ISSN:03893480)
vol.49, no.1, pp.111-115, 2000-08

児童の"能動的な学び"をみるための前段階として, 第5学年の児童を対象に, 理科の自由研究の実態について検討した。その結果, 教師の支援・援助がない状態で, 理科の自由研究をした児童は, 全体の約17%であった。さらに, 自由研究をした児童の内で, 自発的にした児童は約7割であった。この結果は, 6年生を対象にした調査結果と比べると, いずれも若干高い傾向にあった。また, 自由研究をした児童は, 自己評価も肯定傾向にあることが示された。これは, 6年生でも同様の傾向[9]がみられたが, 5年生の場合, 「がんばった」という項目が高いことが分かった。To obtain an information on the pupils' active learning attitude the responses for the inquiries concerning the pupils' free-hand assignments of the science lesson of the summer vacation in fifth grade of the elementary schools have been examined, so far. From the analysis of the inquiries almost all pupils more than 90 percents of total examinees of 170 pupils, without teachers' supports or encouragements, did not show marked interest in accomplishment of their free-hand assignments of science lessons. It has been that only six percents of total pupils have been able to accomplish volantarily their free hand assignments. Pupils' characteristics for active learning attitude were revealed that pupils had volantarily accomplished their free-hand assignments have shown affirmative responses to impose self evaluation in science lessons on themselves. It is also confirmed that this affirmative response of the fifth grade pupils is similar to the previous results obtained for the sixth grade pupils. The marked responses in the present case have been found in their attitude of "tough it out".