中島 智子
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
no.51, pp.189-202, 2011

At present, there are approximately 200 schools for foreign nationals in Japan. Among them, Chosen gakko, Korean schools, have a history of sixty years. In order to better understand Korean schools, it is necessary to research the culture of suchschools, the daily lives of teachers, students, parents, and their perceptions of themselves without paying too much heed to the political discourse. Through interviews of parents whose children attend Korean schools, this study examines why the parents chose to send their children toKorean schools as well as their level of satisfaction toward school. In conclusion, the reasons for their school choice varied depending on their own experience. For those who themselves attended Korean schools, it was a "natural" choice to send their children to the same type of school, just like most Japanese send their children to Japanese schools. On the other hand, those Koreans who attended Japanese schools themselves felt it took a longer time to establish their own identity by attending a Japanese school, thus chose Korean schools for their children. For both types of parents, the main reason for choosing Korean schools is to provide a safeenvironment where children have to struggle less with identity conflicts. The study also found a high level of satisfaction among the parents toward Korean schools.
中島 智子
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.44, pp.117-132, 2004-12

In Japan, ethnic/international schools are placed separately to the public education system. However, these days the number of students who share more diverse cultures and backgrounds are increasing. It is, therefore, a natural step to incorporate these schools into the system, or at least create closer linkages between them and public schools. In this paper, a tentative approach of how ethnic/international schools should be placed in the public education system in Japan is presented. This paper presents a tentative approach to establishing firm links with ethnic/international schools and placing them within the Japanese public educational system under the guise of private schools. The characteristics and conditions of both private schools and schools supported by public funds are considered by example of such a school in the United Kingdom. In addition the case of a private Kenkoku school that has been given accreditation as a fomal school is examined.
中島 智子
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.47, pp.107-123, 2007-12

In recent years, the terms "career" and/or "career education" have been appearing in Japanese school education. "Career education" seeks the needed balance between academic learning and working in a real world setting. These terms have received much attention lately due to current social changes that include changes in economic structures, the rapid aging of the society and falling birthrates, and increasing dependence on information technology. Moreover, the increasing number of young people with low motivation to work, aka NEET, is considered one of the reasons for the growing interest in "career education". The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology only introduced the idea of "career education" into the educational arena in1999. Thus little has been resolved regarding the meanings and usage of the terms "career" and "career education." The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic understanding about career education. First, the history of career education in the U.S. will be summarized. Secondly, the conceptualization of "competencies" required in career education will be examined by analyzing the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and its definition and selection of "key competencies."
中島 智子

元資料の権利情報 : CC BY-NC-ND
山口 晴保 中島 智子 内田 成香 松本 美江 甘利 雅邦 池田 将樹 山口 智晴 高玉 真光
社会福祉法人 認知症介護研究・研修東京センター
認知症ケア研究誌 (ISSN:24334995)
vol.1, pp.3-10, 2017 (Released:2018-11-06)

【目的】適切な医療を提供するため、認知症疾患医療センター外来受診者のBPSDの特性 をNeuropsychiatric inventory (NPI)を用いて検討した。 【方法】対象はMCI群16例と認知症群163例の計179例(80.2±6.9歳)。NPIと認知機能 (HDS-R)や年齢、病型との関係や各質問項目の出現頻度などを検討した。 【結果】MCI群ではNPI 13.3±20.6点、認知症群ではNPI 22.7±22.8点で、MCI群が低かっ た(有意差無し)。介護負担(distress)を表すNPI-DはMCI群10.5±10.9点、認知症群 10.1±9.8点で同等だった。病型別ではDLB群20例がADD群75例よりも有意に高かった (p=0.005)。相関を調べると、全体ではNPIがHDS-Rと有意な負の相関を示した(r=0.188, p=0.021)。認知症群では、NPI-DがHDS-Rと有意な負の相関を示した(r=-0.212, p=0.037)。NPIとNPI-Dは高い相関を示した(r=0.800, p<0.001)。出現頻度が高い項目 は無関心57.5%、興奮54.2%、易刺激性44.7%、不安39.7%、妄想36.9%の順であった。平 均点が高い項目は、興奮3.51、無関心3.12、易刺激性3.0、妄想2.63の順だった。NPI-Dを NPIで割って負担率を検討すると、興奮(0.6)や妄想(0.56)が負担になりやすく、多幸 (0.12)や無関心(0.3)は負担になりにくかった。 【考察】BPSDはMCIの段階からみられ、進行とともにBPSDが強まり、介護負担が増大 する傾向が示された。興奮や妄想は介護者の負担になりやすく、認知症疾患医療センター ではこれらのBPSDへの適切な対応を用意する必要がある。