鈴木 門之 岸本 桂子 中西 弘和 福島 紀子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.6, pp.373-387, 2015-06-10 (Released:2016-06-10)
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We conducted a survey on veterinarians regarding the use of anticancer drugs in veterinary medicine and instructions to owners. Two-hundred veterinary hospitals were randomly selected from 438 hospitals, in Yokohama and Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, using a questionnaire, by visit distribution, and by mail recovery. The recovery rate was 62.5% (n = 125). In total, 103 veterinarians (82.4%) had anticancer drug use experience, 99 (96.1%) had injectable drug administration experience, and 81 (78.6%) had oral administration experience. In total, 97.0% of veterinarians used cyclophosphamide and vincristine, 90.9% used doxorubicin. As a precaution for oral drug administration and excrement disposal of anticancer drugs after administration, approximately 50% of veterinarians instructed the owners to “wash your hands well” and “wear gloves.” With regard to injections (n = 99), 86.7% of veterinarians answered it was under an “open environment,” 8.1% used “Luer Lock” syringe, and 67.7% prepared the vial product with “negative pressure.” With regard to protective equipment used during preparations, “single latex gloves,” “mask” was more than 50% respectively. With regard to the first learning experience about anticancer drugs, 24.8% learned when they were in university and, 70.4% learned after graduation. With regard to experience after graduation, 53.4% answered that they “took a workshop” ; the “Veterinary System Society” was the main workshop organizer and the “veterinarian” was the main instructor. In total, 66.9% wished to attend a workshop on anticancer drugs. Considering the results of this study, human medicine and veterinary medicine need coordination, and it is important to provide training and education.
小林 由佳 中西 弘和
静脈経腸栄養 (ISSN:13444980)
vol.28, no.2, pp.627-634, 2013 (Released:2013-04-24)

がん患者に対する積極的な栄養療法は否定的であったが、近年はがん患者への積極的な栄養療法が提案されるようになってきた。しかし、がん患者の多くはがん化学療法や放射線療法などに伴い摂食障害になることも多く、また、がん特有のがん悪液質が原因となることで栄養不良が起こり得るため、早期からの栄養管理を行うことはとても重要である。特に外来化学療法を受ける患者は家庭で日常生活を送り、栄養管理を家族や自身で行いながら治療を受けることになるため、様々な問題を抱えている。そこで、特にがん化学療法の副作用として摂食障害の原因となる悪心・嘔吐、味覚異常、口腔粘膜炎、食欲不振の対策について、定義、発現機序、発現時期、症状、予防対策、栄養療法や食事内容の工夫について述べるが、患者及び患者家族のquality of life (QOL) に大きく影響する摂食障害を画一的に対応することは困難である。実際の臨床現場では患者個別の対応が望まれる。
小林 由佳 岩根 裕紀 中西 弘和
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.6, pp.352-359, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-06-10)

Onco-TainTM Vial, which was developed to prevent occupational exposures to hazardous drugs such as antineoplastic drugs, is a vial preparation equipped with sheathings (a PVC reinforced base and a shrink wrapping of a protective PET sleeve on the vial). The shatter-resistance of the Onco-Tain™ vial was evaluated with a free fall test. Four types (9 strengths in total) of Onco-Tain™ vials, which contain antineoplastic agents and are available worldwide, were used in the test. Vials with the PVC bases and PET sleeves removed from the Onco-Tain™ vial were used as the control. Mimicking the fall of vials in the medical setting, the falling heights were set at 70, 135 and 180 cm, and the breakage ratios of vials and the scattering area of contents were measured.In the control group (Non-OT group), 3.5, 9.4 and 8.9 percent of vials were broken at the heights of 70, 135 and 180 cm, respectively, and the scattering of contents was observed in all broken vials. The breakage ratios of vials in the Onco-Tain™ vial group (OT group) were statistically significantly lower (0.0 and 2.4%) at the heights of 70 and 135 cm, and tended to be lower (3.3%) at the height of 180 cm. No leakage was observed in vials broken in the OT group. The significant improvement of shatter-resistance of vials was confirmed by applying the protection sleeves to the surface of the vials. By applying these concepts in the future, a decrease of occupational exposures to hazardous drugs caused by the breakage of containers is expected.