渡辺 光太郎 藤堂 謙一 奥野 龍禎 佐々木 勉 望月 秀樹 岡崎 周平 谷口 茉利子 柿ヶ野 藍子 北野 貴也 秀嶋 信 石倉 照之 中野 智仁 神野 隼輝
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)

<p>要旨:可逆性脳血管攣縮症候群(RCVS)は稀ながら周産期脳卒中の原因として重要な疾患である.症例は37 歳の初産婦,妊娠40 週に緊急帝王切開で第一子を出産した.産褥3 日目に,頭痛,めまい,左手の使いにくさが出現し,当院に搬送された.頭部MRI で左小脳半球と橋に急性期脳梗塞,右前頭葉に皮質下出血を認めた.来院時のMRA では主幹動脈に異常を認めなかったが,第8 病日に脳底動脈・両側椎骨動脈に高度狭窄が新たに出現し,basi-parallel anatomical scanning(BPAS)および3 dementional-T1 weighted imaging(3D-T1WI)の所見から血管攣縮と考えられた.カルシウム拮抗薬で治療を行い,次第に狭窄は改善し,数カ月の経過で正常化した.本例では,MRA に加え,BPAS および3D-T1WI を経時的に撮影することにより,非侵襲的にRCVS の診断が可能であった.</p>
岡島 厚 大津山 澄明 永森 稔朗 中野 智仁 木綿 隆弘
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.65, no.635, pp.2196-2203, 1999-07-25

Flow induced in-line oscillation of a structure with a circular or rectangular section was experimentally studied by free-oscillation tests in a wind tunnel. Detailed data of response amplitude of various cylinders have been acquired in a wide range of the reduced mass-damping parameter (Scruton number), by free-oscillation tests of two-dimensional cylinder spring-mounted to oscillate as a rigid cylinder. Flow induced in-line oscillation of the cylinder is certified to have two types of excitation mechanism; one is the so-called wake breathing effect accompanied with a symmetric vortex street and the other is the vortex excitation at a half of the critical reduced velocity. Also a fixed splitter plate was mounted behind a cylinder to eliminate the vortex shedding of alternate vortices from the cylinder, after Aguirre's experiments, and the results were compared with those without a splitter plate. As a result, we can classify the flow induced in line oscillation of the circular or rectangular cylinder. For a circular cylinder and a square one, two types of excitation phenomena appear in each reduced velocity region, the thin rectangular cylinder with the side ratio b/h=0.4 suffers from the vortex excitation, and the elongated rectangular cylinder with the side ratio b/h=2.5, is subjected to the wake breathing effect accompanied with a symmetric vortex street. It is found that fluidelastic characteristics of two types of in-line oscillations are quite different; i.e., the response amplitude are very sensitive to the reduced massdamping parameter, during the in line oscillation with a symmetric vortex street, while the oscillation of vortex excitation are rather insensitive.