渡辺 美智子 山内 慶太 中島 孝 丹野 清美
特定非営利活動法人 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
横幹 (ISSN:18817610)
vol.13, no.1, pp.4-14, 2019 (Released:2019-04-12)

We are now in a new age of improving continuously the quality and efficiency of our social living and industrial styles by new technologies such as Big Data, IoT, AI, Robotics and so on. In particular, the construction of the next generation of healthcare system towards Society 5.0 is one of the reforms which is strongly promoted by the government and the Business Federation in Japan. In this paper we give a brief introduction on features of "Data Health Reform Plans" by the Ministry of Health, Labor andWelfare, first, and we point out urgent need for developing human resources called as health data scientists who have health data analytic talents and recognize the backgrounds of health data which they treat with, for the realization of "Data Health Reform Plans". In the second half of the paper, we introduce the Health Data Scientists (HDS) Association which has newly established for the purpose of development and certification of HDS.