吉長 尚美 久斗 章広 北井 見和 久光 由香 三五 裕子 吉田 耕一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.11, pp.1253-1255, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

Over the last decade, many public institutions have emphasized the importance of antimicrobial stewardship (AS) in reducing the spread of antimicrobial resistance. In our facility, we have tackled AS that has adapted to clinical practices since 2015. In many facilities, especially university hospitals, multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing bacteria, may cause infections. Considering this, we recommend prompt treatment with suitable antibiotics and dosage. In AS teams, pharmacists are responsible for administering pharmacotherapy, including optimal dosage for each patient. Therefore, they should assess their patients carefully, implement thorough therapeutic drug monitoring, and utilize the information obtained from these assessments to administer optimal pharmacotherapy. However, optimal pharmacotherapy also requires a correct diagnosis. Although diagnostic stewardship is not a pharmacist's work, it is a great opportunity for pharmacists to learn how expert physicians think. Based on the type of situation above, we train younger pharmacists on the job.