山口 佳昭 中川 晃 渡邊 英昭 久門 良明 榊 三郎 佐々木 潮 畠山 隆雄 西原 潤 麗 憲行
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.9, no.10, pp.672-678, 2000-10-20 (Released:2017-06-02)

脳室内に限局した出血で, 出血源が不明であった原発性脳室内出血(PIVH)15例について, 臨床症状, 治療および予後について検討した.対象症例の平均年齢は62.2歳で, 65歳以上の高齢者が約半数を占めていた.神経学的局所症状を示す症例はなく, 主たる症状は意識障害で, 脳室内出血の程度に比例して増悪傾向を示した.特に第3または第4脳室に鋳型状血腫が存在する症例では, 意識障害が高度であった.年齢や既往歴の有無と重症度との関連性は認められなかった.7例に脳室ドレナージを行い, うち2例にはウロキナーゼを脳室内に投与した.経過中に合併症を併発した2例以外は良好な転帰であった(GR9例, MD4例).脳室内出血の程度と転帰には相関はなかったが, 第3ないし第4脳室に血腫が充満する症例では転帰不良の傾向があった.また高齢者であっても比較的良好な転帰であり, 年齢は予後不良因子ではないと考えられた.以上の結果から, PIVHでは出血量が多い重症例や高齢の症例であっても, 積極的な治療を行うことで良好な予後が期待できると考えられた.
久門 良明 渡邉 英昭 松本 洋明 井上 明宏 岩田 真治 大上 史朗 大西 丘倫
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.37, no.1, pp.18-25, 2009 (Released:2009-09-29)

We evaluated the effectiveness of assist-systems such as endoscopy, navigation, and motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring in terms of improving the safety and accuracy of surgery for cerebrovascular diseases. Since January 2000, the following devices have been used at our institution to assist in surgical procedures: an endoscope (diameter, 2.7 or 4.0 mm; tip angle, 30° or 70°) in 69 surgical procedures to treat cerebral aneurysms, a navigation system (Stealth Station) in 22 operations for cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous or cavernous malformations, and MEP monitoring (bipolar or mono-polar electrical stimulation of the motor cortex and EMG recording of the face, trunk and upper extremity contralateral to the stimulated side) in 11 operations for cerebral aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations. Endoscopy allowed visualization of the anatomical relationship between the aneurysm neck and the parent or perforated artery before clipping, and the location of the clip tip, occlusion of the perforated artery, or stenosis of the parent artery could be evaluated after clipping. Postoperative MR and/or CT images revealed an asymptomatic infarction of perforated artery in 4 patients. Navigation allowed prediction of the sites of aneurysms, cavernous malformations, or of the feeding arteries of arteriovenous malformations. This resulted in accurate approaches to these structures, although a brain shift in some patients was recognized by ultrasound imaging linked to the navigation system. Although MEP monitoring should have predicted postoperative motor function, MEP findings after clipping the neck of aneurysms or obliterating the arteriovenous malformation of a feeding artery were normal in all of the analyzed patients. Postoperative convulsive seizures developed in patients as a result of 20 mA of bipolar electrical stimulation. Endoscopy, navigation, and MEP monitoring are considered helpful for safe and accurate surgical treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, although the disadvantages of these systems should also be considered.