小泉 直子 二宮 ルリ子 藤井 正美
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.5, no.2, pp.218-225, 1998-11-30 (Released:2017-12-01)

Recently, health consciousness has developed with increased incidence of life-style related diseases. In particular, hyperlipidemia due to high caloric intake accounts for about 20 percent of workers and the development of sweeteners which do not elevate blood sugar levels has been awaited. However, sugar alcohol is known to have a laxative effect as a physiological effect on the human body. This should be kept in mind in applying to food. Since xylitol, which is currently mixed in a variety of food products, also has a laxative effect, this study was conducted to estimate its maximum no-laxative oral dose for the purpose of ensuring safety in humans. A total of 40 subjects in their twenties to fifties, 5 males and 5 females in each decade, were studied. Single oral doses of xylitol were administered to investigate the appearance of diarrheal symptoms. 1) The maximum no-effect dose of xylitol in causing diarrhea when given once daily was estimated to be 0.3g/kg body weight in both males and females. The daily maximum no-effect dose calculated on the basis of average body weight of each 20 subjects was 20.8g in males and 15.8g in females. (Figure) 2) The dose to cause diarrhea in 50% of subjects (50% effective dose, ED50) was 0.52g/kg in males and 0.70g/kg in females and, on the basis of average body weight of each 20 subjects, 36.1g/day in males and 36.9g/day in females. 3) The time to the onset of diarrhea after ingestion who 2 to 3 hours and the time to return to normal abdominal condition was 10-12 hours. No significant differences in these time intervals were found between sexes. 4) Main abdominal symptoms associated with ingestion of xylitol were borborygmus, lower abdominal pain and nausea.
小泉 直子 藤田 大輔 二宮 ルリ子 中元 信之
公益社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.40, no.4, pp.107-112, 1998
3 9

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI)の統計学的検査項目減数化によるスクリーニングテスト:小泉直子ほか.兵庫医科大学公衆衛生学-本研究の目的は, 定期健診で身体的健診と平行して簡便に行い得る精神面の健診方法を見つけ出すことである.阪神淡路大震災の復興事業に携わる建設業の男性労働者264名を対象に, 定期健診時に行われたSTAIの状態不安(A-State)20項目, 特性不安(A-Trait)20項目, 計40項目の検査データとSDS検査データを基に重回帰分析を行い, 簡易スクリーニングテストとして活用しうる5項目を抽出した.この5項目の総得点に対する説明率は, 状態不安90.0%, 特性不安88.5%であり, 推計値と実測値の相関は, 状態不安r=0.949(p<0.01), 特性不安r=0.940(p<0.01)であった.また, この5項目の構成概念妥当性および信頼性についてもそれぞれ一定の評価が得られたことより, 対象者の精神健康の概要を把握するための簡易検査法として有用であり, 事業所におけるメンタルヘルス対策に活用しうると考えられる.