二宮 清純(スポーツジャーナリスト) 釜崎 太(明治大学)
一般社団法人 日本体育学会体育社会学専門領域
年報 体育社会学 (ISSN:24344990)
pp.22-03-001, (Released:2022-02-14)

In today’s society, involvement in matters affecting the public is required not only of the national government and local governments, but also of for-profit companies, non-profit organizations and local communities; so, non-profit organizations, in particular, are expected to play a role in seeking the opinions of local residents while negotiating with the various sectors. In Bundesliga, Germany, where non-profit corporations hold the voting rights in professional soccer clubs, there are cases where professional soccer clubs mediate between local governments, businesses, and local residents while playing a common sector role.In this study, we take the example of the Giravanz Kitakyushu Open Mind Program, which offers support for those suffering from social withdrawal, to show that Japanese professional soccer clubs run by for-profit companies also play a common sector role. We illustrate the special role played by non-profit organizations, formed in response to regional issues unconnected to economic matters, in which they negotiate with other sectors, and how there are legal and institutional issues that arise in the course of their performing this role.
二宮 清純
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.44, no.2, pp.69-83, 2022 (Released:2023-03-20)

Professional baseball, the origin of professional sport in Japan, has been institutionalized through the leading involvement of corporations, which are economic organizations with the purpose of profit.The Bundesliga in Germany, which serves as an ideal for the J.League, is organized around nonprofit organizations known as Verein. German nonprofit organizations operate primarily based on general meetings of local citizens and voting in elections and play a role in negotiating with governments and businesses while consolidating and representing the views of local citizens. For the Bundesliga, in which only Verein had been permitted to participate, the commercialization of the 1990s saw permission to operate clubs extended to for-profit companies. However, with the establishment of the “50+1 rule” and the “club licensing system”, clubs were required to hold a majority of their own voting rights. Under such a system, the Bundesliga has contributed to the creation of “civil society”-formed through collaboration between businesses, government, communities, and nonprofit organizations—while centered on a “citizenry” that seeks to organize groups and associations and influence political and economic systems.This study analyzed the J.League philosophy from this public sphere perspective and found that although a philosophy aimed at collaboration between governments, businesses, and citizens has persisted to the present day, and partnerships between businesses and governments have materialized—local governments, for example, hold shares in professional soccer clubs—the specific roles that citizens and nonprofit organizations can play in league and club operations remain undetermined. Moreover, this challenge was attributed to differences in the systems around corporations in Japan and Germany.
二宮 清純
日経ベンチャ- (ISSN:02896516)
no.230, pp.30-33, 2003-11

今さら何の注釈もいるまい。8年前に単身米国に渡って以来、五つの球団を渡り歩いてきた日本人メジャーリーガーの"草分け"。日米通算で3000奪三振を挙げた、ロサンゼルス・ドジャースのエース。 野茂の凄さは、「変わらない」ことにある。彼の武器は、直球と鋭く落ちるフォークボール。