渡邊 浩之 魚住 信泰 川崎 三紀子 反町 千里 村田 英紀 高雄 泰行 上野 秀之 藤澤 和彦 笠原 成彦 浜 英永 井上 富夫 橋本 佳明
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.49, no.4, pp.287-289, 2006 (Released:2009-01-19)

症例は47歳,男性.5年前に血糖の軽度高値を指摘されたが放置していた.入院2週間前より口渇感が強くなり,1週間前には含糖清涼飲料水を約5,000 ml飲むようになっていた.食欲不良と倦怠感が増悪し,意識混濁状態が出現したため入院となった.血糖2,531 mg/dl, HbA1c 12.4%, 血清ナトリウム98 mEq/l, K 7.1 mEq/l, Cl 60 mEq/l, 血清クレアチニン1.56 mg/dl, 尿素窒素40.9 mg/dl, 尿ケトン体(-), 動脈血pH 7.349, HCO3-21.1 mmol/l, 血漿浸透圧407 mOsm/kgH2O(計算値346 mOsm/kgH2O)より高浸透圧性非ケトン状態と診断した.生理食塩水とインスリン静脈内投与により高血糖,低ナトリウム血症が是正され入院翌日には意識清明となった.本症例は著しい高血糖,低ナトリウム血症および浸透圧ギャップが認められた興味ある症例と考えられた.
足立 宏美 稲越 英機 早川 岳英 井上 富夫 笠原 敏文 五十嵐 智 早川 英樹 棚邊 哲史
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.64, no.3, pp.306-315, 2008-03-20
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To estimate the collimator scatter factor, <i>S</i><sub>c</sub> of small field sizes in which a mini-phantom cannot be fully included at the nominal treatment distance (NTD=100 cm), we measured the in-air output of 4 MV and 10 MV X-rays of a Varian's Clinac 2100 C/D using a mini-phantom at NTD and at a long source-to-chamber distance (SCD=200 cm) with field-size defined at the isocenter down to 4.6×4.6cm<sup>2</sup> and 2.3×2.3cm<sup>2</sup>, respectively. We then compared the fitted curve to the NTD dataset by a cumulative exponential distribution model with that by a cumulative Gaussian distribution (error function) model containing a zero-field extrapolated term derived from the long SCD dataset. The results showed that the zero-field extensions of two fitted curves coincided for a 4 MV X-ray, but a large discrepancy was seen between them for a 10 MV X-ray. Therefore, the <i>S</i><sub>c</sub> of small field sizes not measurable using a mini-phantom at the NTD can be well estimated by applying the cumulative exponential model to the NTD dataset in the case of a 4 MV X-ray beam filtrated with a cone-shaped flattener. However, to estimate the <i>S</i><sub>c</sub> of such small field sizes in the case of a 10 MV X-ray beam filtrated with a bell-shaped flattener, we consider it preferable to also measure in-air output at a long SCD and to apply the cumulative Gaussian model as described here.