伊藤 博之
滋賀大学経済学部研究年報 (ISSN:13411608)
no.18, pp.63-85, 2011-11 (Released:2011-12-26)

This is an interpretive study on organizational governance and power in a U.S. privately heldcompany. It is based on one year fieldwork conducted in the company. The interpretation iscentered around the project management developing new products. As the interpretive framework, it uses Foucault`s two concepts of power: jurisdictional (=discursive)power and disciplinary power. Generally, jurisdictiona(l=discursive)power is supposed to mean power itself. However, Foucault insists that it is quiet weak power to govern social organizations in the age of modern capitalism: jurisdictional power needs to be supported by disciplinary power in order to make social organization productive enough. In the interpretation, the relationship between the owner’s personal control and the control by the project management method is focused on. The owner’s control is interpreted toexemplify jurisdictional power, since it is justified by the legal foundation of ownership. Onthe other hand, the project management method is interpreted to enact social reality among the parties involved in, which exemplifies disciplinary power. The owner’s power was quiet strong: he could make almost any kinds of strategic decisions on his own authority. However, he could not govern the project management properly without the application of the project management method. Beside, he could not implement the method by himself. According to the above interpretation, this paper suggests that organizational governance is not only based on the jurisdictional power of management and it should be re-conceptualized as enacted through interplays among a variety types of power(control).