海津 浩一 伊藤 脩平 日下 正広 木村 真晃 木之下 広幸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.862, pp.17-00485, 2018 (Released:2018-06-25)

Joining of plastics and light metals contributes to the reduction of a product weight. In this study, the punching rivet method was applied to joining of an acrylic resin sheet and an aluminum alloy sheet. The punching rivet method can join the sheets without drilling. The riveting process of this method is constituted of the punching process of the sheets using the rivet shank and the fastening process of the sheets using the rivet and the rivet holder. The sheets are fastened by using the plastic deformation of the rivet shank. From the observation of the joints made by the punching rivet method, it was found that the acrylic resin sheet of the joint had no crack and out-of-plane deformation of the joint was small. From the results of the joint strength tests, it was considered that the joint made by the punching rivet method had high strength due to the effect of the pressures on seating faces of the rivet and the rivet holder. As a result, the punching rivet method was effective to join the acrylic resin sheet and the aluminum alloy sheet.