佃 貴弘
北陸大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku University (ISSN:21863989)
no.49, pp.37-56, 2020-09-30

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a boom due to theenhancement of the network environment. The analysis of “Big Data” has made itpossible to discover new data features, and Deep Learning has improved the accuracyof inferences made by artificial intelligence. Since the analysis requires collecting alarge amount of personal information, the government promotes the utilization ofpersonal data. However, it also carries the risk of neglecting privacy protection.Traditional privacy can no longer cope with this situation. In the case of the analysisbased on information provided by the individual’s consent, it is difficult to assert tortprivacy because there is no invasion. The privacy self-management is also difficult sincethey read the privacy policy not carefully and agree to it.To solve the problem, this article focuses on the “Privacy as Trust” in the UnitedStates. This argument is protecting personal information by fiduciary duty and it hasthe potentiality to improve such situations. This article summarizes the recent changesin social background and its theoretical premise in order to explain why “Privacy asTrust” has emerged.
佃 貴弘
北陸大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku University (ISSN:21863989)
no.49, pp.37-56, 2020-09-30

近年、ネットワーク環境の充実化により、大量の個人情報を収集され、プライバシーの保護がおろそかになるというリスクも生じている。このような状況においては、侵襲がないため、伝統的な不法行為プライバシーでは対処できなくなっている。また、プライバシー・ポリシーを熟読せず同意しているため、プライバシーの自己管理も困難である。 その問題を解決するために、本稿では、アメリカにおけるPrivacy as Trust 論に着目し、この議論が登場した近年の社会背景とその理論的前提を整理する。