佐久間 千尋
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.68, no.2, pp.127-138, 2018-03

This paper illuminates the process of how people in Japan became familiar with the works of the Brontës from the late 19th to the early 20th century. It is said that in 1886, about 40 years after the first novel by the Brontës was published in England, they were referred to for the first time in an article in the Japanese magazine The Women's Magazine. How were the Brontës introduced in Japan? How did Japanese critics receive their works? To answer these questions, articles about the Brontës in those days at the Tokyo Woman's Christian University Library were studied. The results were mainly as follows. The reception of the Brontës was initiated with the introduction of Jane Eyre, which was highly evaluated. It was remarkable how it was assessed similarly in England. This contributed to attracting readers' attention to the biographical anecdotes about the sisters. In 1899, Charlotte Brontë was associated with Ichiyo Higuchi, a Japanese woman novelist, in the way they lived rather than their works. Although it was just a brief remark, for instance, both lived in poverty and were supposed to be the breadwinner of their family, it could be said that this prompted more cross-cultural criticisms thereafter. This shows that the Brontës universally attracted people's attention in the literary world. On the whole, there were few references to novels other than Jane Eyre in the studies of this time; "The Dialect of the Brontës" by Itsuki Hosoe was published in 1929 and mostly dealt with pronunciation in Wuthering Heights, which seemed all the more prominent.本稿は、19世紀後半から20世紀前半にかけて、ブロンテ姉妹が日本に受け入れられた過程を明らかにするものである。ブロンテ姉妹が日本に紹介されたのは、1886年『女學雑誌』誌上と言われている。彼女たちの最初の小説が出版されてからおよそ40年の時を経ていた。ブロンテ姉妹はどのように紹介され、また評されていたのか。今回、ブロンテ姉妹の明治時代から大正時代における受容を概観し、その傾向を探った。調査は主に、東京女子大学所蔵の文献に基づいている。結果的に、次の三点が明らかとなった。ブロンテ姉妹の受容は『ジェイン・エア』の紹介から始まり、初期から高評価を得ていた。このことは、イギリスで出版されたときに本作が受けた評価と一致している。そして、読者の注目は次第に彼女たちの伝記的逸話へと波及していく。1899年、シャーロットは樋口一葉と並んで評される。このときは、一葉とブロンテの類似について、その作品においてというよりは苦難の境遇にあるとし、深い分析には及んでいない。しかし、この言及がその後のイギリスと日本の両文壇を関連づける批評の契機となったといっても過言ではない。全体を通して、今回、『ジェイン・エア』以外の作品についての詳細な分析はほとんど見受けられなかったが、1929年に『英語青年』に連載された細江逸記による"The Dialect of the Brontës"は、『嵐が丘』における方言や発音を分析しており、ひときわ目を引くものである。
佐久間 千尋
vol.58, no.2, pp.95-122, 2008-03

In Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (1847), most of the significant events occur in the kitchens. Heathcliff hears of Catherine's engagement in the kitchen in Wuthering Heights, and Heathcliff quarrels with Edgar in the presence of Catherine in the kitchen in Thrushcross Grange. At the beginning of the story, Lockwood describes the position of the kitchen in Wuthering Heights as follows: "I believe at Wuthering Heights the kitchen is forced to retreat altogether into another quarter" (5). It reveals that the kitchen is separated from the house, which suggests the kitchens are special spaces in the story. At this point, we should not ignore that Nelly Dean, one of the narrators, observes most of the events. She has served as a housekeeper in both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. She tells of the past events to Lockwood who is the capricious tenant of Thrushcross Grange. Nelly is not merely the narrator but also an involved person. She sometimes intervenes in the incidents, but she is also an onlooker. A close look at the relationship between the kitchens and Nelly reveals that she intervenes mainly in the incidents that occur in the kitchens. All these things make it clear that Nelly Dean makes use of the kitchens for her own purposes. The purpose of this paper is to consider the meaning of the two kitchens, so that we will discover the connection with Nelly Dean. It also serves as evidence of the close relationship between the characters and the houses in Wuthering Heights.