佐藤 修司
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.363-379, 1995-02-28

Kandel's division theory was introduced to Japan in the educational reform after World War II. Kandel was an important member of the Education Mission, so the description of the Mission Report resembled Kandel's in the institutional plan, the used term and wording, including the view of education and democracy, but the contradictory principles of teaching freedom and popular control were put side by side without proper arrangement. Japanese people in charge of the educational reform had the similar plan and view to Kandel and the Mission members. Especially the bill of teacher's ststus had the provisions of teaching freedom for relieving a teacher as a profession from imperative relationship and the professional personnel administration. Regretably the bill was soon repealed. After 1950's the government became opposite to the after-war reform ideals. The division theory of the advocates of 'people's right to education' has been constructed to protect the freedom of teaching under the hostile relationship with the government. For this reason the division theory in Japan has made radical and progressive in contrast to Kandel's.
大関 令奈 清水 晴夫 畠山 巧生 田沼 徳真 鈴木 秀一郎 佐藤 修司 下地 英樹 金戸 宏行 本多 佐保

症例は76歳の男性.心窩部不快感を自覚し近医を受診,上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行された.胃体下部大彎後壁寄りに3cm大のIIa+IIc病変が認められ,生検にて高分化型腺癌と診断された.平成15年8月11日に精査加療目的で当科紹介入院となった.各種検査にて明らかな遠隔転移やリンパ節転移を認めず,手術目的に当院外科へ転科となった.9月12日に腹腔鏡補助下幽門側胃切除術が施行された.病理組織所見は高分化型腺癌,3.0x2.3cm,pT2,mp,ly2,v1,pN1,Stage IIの診断であった.病変は高分化型腺癌が優勢であるが,粘膜下を主体に免疫染色でsynaptophysin,CD56陽性の内分泌細胞癌が併存していた.本症例は粘膜下に浸潤している部位で高分化腺癌から内分泌細胞癌へと移行していると考えられる部分が存在し,内分泌細胞癌の発生を考える上で非常に興味深い症例と考えられた