余 飛 中谷 礼仁
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.766, pp.2669-2677, 2019 (Released:2019-12-30)

From 1950s to 1980s, in the modern history of China, a significant movement once happened in the ordinary rural areas throughout the whole country, that is People’s Commune. As the precious legacy of the practice of Marxism, it has been researched in a broad range of fields like History, Sociology, Economics and so on. However, in the field of architectural history, the research on the People's Commune still remains a state of blank. The Weixing Commune is known as the first funded People's Commune in 1958 in which a group of architectural professionals from South China University of Technology, which is one of the early-funded architecture school in China whose main staff completed their studies from the western world once took part in the planning and design of it. This paper tries to figure out how they planed the People's Commune, where was their design concept from in the period of social transformation overlapped between Communism and Modernism in 1950s. Through the analysis of the proposal, this study made it clear that facing the new design topic under the ideology of Communism which somehow acted as a political task, the design group tried to use the idea of Neighborhood Unit put forward by an American planner named Clarence Arthur Perry, which is one of the most important concept of modern town planning in 20th century and adjusted it in some way fit to the rural villages to accomplish the spatialization of institution. In conclusion, under the prevailing idea of Modernism in Architecture(1950s), the architects of this case did tried to put forward their proposals in the Commune planning. In the movement of People’s Commune proposed by the Chinese government at that period, most of the Chinese architectural professionals just like the design group from South China University of Technology, did tried to use their knowledge of architecture to change the traditional villages, which somehow acted as a great chance for China to accept the idea of Urban Planning and Moderism architecture from the western world.