大川原 舞 山口 裕之 上田 幹也 前田 高宏
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.40, no.3, pp.195-199, 2018 (Released:2018-05-25)

症例1 は39 歳男性,作業中に突然の後頸部痛で発症した右椎骨動脈解離.約1 カ月間で疼痛・解離ともに軽快したが,6 カ月後に再度後頭部痛があり右椎骨動脈解離部が紡錘状に拡張しており,急激に増大していくため破裂予防のために親動脈閉塞術を行った.症例2 は48 歳男性.突然発症の左耳の奥の痛みあり,左椎骨動脈に紡錘状拡張が認められ解離性動脈瘤と診断し降圧治療を行った.1 度は疼痛が改善したが,左耳の奥の痛みが8 カ月にわたり断続的に繰り返され,徐々に動脈瘤の増大が認められたためステント併用動脈瘤塞栓術を行った.椎骨動脈解離に伴う疼痛が慢性期にも持続する場合は解離性動脈瘤の増大を示唆している可能性があり,厳重な経過観察を要すると思われた.
宮本 京子 清島 久美 亀井 美沙 小方 由美子 前田 裕亮 前田 高宏
サイトメトリーリサーチ (ISSN:09166920)
vol.29, no.2, pp.21-27, 2019-11-25 (Released:2019-11-25)

Progress has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), and a series of novel therapeutic agents, including antibody-based drugs such as elotuzumab and daratumumab, are available in the clinic. While fl ow cytometry (FCM) is a major method for MM diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic effects, detecting MM cells after antibodybased therapies is challenging, as antibodies used for FCM sometimes recognize the same epitopes that are targeted by the therapeutic ones. As a result, FCM could fail to detect true MM clones. In this study, we examined the effi cacy and accuracy of the FCM-based diagnostic methods using an antibody targeting multiple epitopes of CD38 (CD38ME) and intracellular p63 as well as those targeting CD138 and CD38high. When we defi ned MM cells using antibodies against CD38ME and intracellular p63, proportions of MM cells were highly correlated with those defined by the conventional FCM methods using anti-CD38high and / or CD138 antibodies (r2 = 0.9967-0.9991). Interestingly, expression levels of CD38high and CD138 were signifi cantly low in MM cells obtained from antibody-treated individuals. In contrast, MM clones were accurately detected using antibodies against CD38ME and intracellular p63. Our data suggest that extra caution should be taken when MM cells obtained from patients treated with antibody-based therapies were evaluated by FCM. We propose that antibodies targeting CD38ME and/or intracellular p63 should be included in the antibody mixture for FCM-based detection of MM cells.