加瀬 芳夫
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.22, no.5, pp.309-314, 1972-09-01 (Released:2009-10-15)

茨城県下におけるある地域の昭和42年から昭和44年の21例の無介助分娩につき, その実態を調査した.その内容を見ると1) 立会者の内容を見ると, 親, 祖母, 姉等の親類が13例と半数以上を占め, 近所の人が4例, 保健婦が3例, 1例が本人となっている.2) 母子の予後は, 出産経過良好20例で, 不良は1例のみであった.また児の予後は, 発育良好のもの19例, 新生児死亡2例で, 発育不良0となっている.3) 無介助分娩となった理由は, 「交通が不便」が最も多く7例で全体の33.3%を占める.4) 出生児体重を見ると2500g以下の未熟児は1例で, 不明1を除いた20例中の5%にあたる.5) また今回無介助分娩をした21例の過去の分娩歴についても合せて調査した.過去の分娩の89.2% (74例中66例) が無介助分娩となっている.過去の妊娠回数76, 分娩回数74に対して, 死産1, 自然流産2であった.また既往無介助分娩児, 分娩66例の予後を見ると, 新生児死亡2, 乳児死亡1, エピレプシー1, 歩行発育障害児1であった.
辻 達彦 加瀬 芳夫 逸見 てる子 伊藤 洋子
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.24, no.3, pp.153-160, 1974

This paper is concerned with the statistical studies on the 99 cases of the maternal death in Gunma prefecture during the period of 5 years (from 1965 to 1969).<BR>Results were as follows : <BR>1. The mean value of maternal mortality per year was 19.8 ± 5.54. More than 60% of total cases was observed in the group aged over 30, and the number of the cases in the group of ages over 35 years was unexpectedly high.<BR>2. Concerning with the causes of death, when compared with those of previous study (from 1957 to 1960), toxaemia and bleeding were decreased, while those of postabortal death and others were increased. The number of death from infection and ectopia is not significantly changed. Over all the cases of maternal death were decreased in the prefecture.<BR>3. As for the place of death, the number of the cases other than medical clinic was decreased. However, the cases of death in the group of home confinement were still observed in aged pregnancy, indicating the direction to be stressed in maternal and child health.<BR>4. Little changes were observed in the rank order of the number of the cases in the district of each territorial health center when compared with that of previous study (from 1957 to 1960). No community in the prefecture had maternal death every year, and maximum number of occurrence of the case in one community was three throughout 5 years. There was no consistency in the occurrence of the case in any special district. The result might suggest that the maternal deaths in the prefecture were caused by some arbitrary factors.<BR>5. In spite of above results, the data suggested the need of precaution for toxaemia in mountain area and some part of town area, and that for bleeding in the districts near border of the prefectures.<BR>The results of the study indicate that the intensive precautions for the maternal death are still needed, especially for toxaemia and bleeding. The paper also emphasizes the need of emergency care system to reduce the maternal deaths in the prefecture.