有吉 慶介 松澤 暢 矢部 康男 加藤 尚之 日野 亮太 長谷川 昭 金田 義行
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.13, pp.17-33, 2011 (Released:2011-11-30)

吉田 真吾 加藤 尚之
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.3, pp.231-246, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

This paper reviews studies on the relation between the eventual earthquake size and its rupture nucleation size. Although a large number of studies have been made in order to find whether the seismic nucleation phase depends on the eventual earthquake size or not, this subject is still in controversy. Several recent papers have reported that the duration of the seismic nucleation phase scales with the final rupture size, and that the scaling relation can be explained by rupture nucleation models. These studies suggest that larger preslip occurs before a larger earthquake. On the contrary, other papers have reported that the seismic nucleation phase is independent of the earthquake size; earthquakes of all sizes initiate in a similar manner. Adding to these existing studies, we perform a numerical simulation of sliding behavior on a fault assuming two asperities of different sizes. The result shows that when the rupture of the small asperity triggers the rupture of the large asperity, short term preslip occurs at the small asperity, and the magnitude of the preslip does not depend on the eventual earthquake size. However, intermediate-term aseismic slip which occurs around the main asperity depends on the eventual earthquake size.
有吉 慶介 松澤 暢 矢部 康男 加藤 尚之 日野 亮太 長谷川 昭 金田 義行
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
no.13, pp.17-33, 2011

有吉 慶介 松澤 暢 矢部 康男 長谷川 昭 加藤 尚之
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.59, no.4, pp.309-324, 2007-03-25 (Released:2013-08-05)

A two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulation of seismic cycles on the plate boundary in a subduction zone is performed based on a rate- and state-dependent friction law to obtain insight into complicated cycle of interplate earthquakes off Miyagi Prefecture and to investigate possible precursory sliding behavior. Assuming that the complexity of seismic cycle such as the off Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake is mainly due to the heterogeneity of frictional properties, we divide the plate boundary into five segments along dip direction: three frictionally stable segments and two (shallower and deeper) seismogenic segments are placed alternately. From many trial simulation results, we find that the frictional parameters (b-a)and dc in the deeper seismogenic segment should be smaller than those in the shallower segment in order to generate earthquakes in the deeper segment more frequently than in the shallower segment. The simulation results show that preseismic, coseismic, and postseismic slip in a seismogenic segment tends to become larger when it occurs just after the earthquake in the other seismogenic segment, because the previous earthquake in the other seismogenic segment keeps on forward slip through the intermediate aseismic segment. We also find that the stress rate in the down-dip direction in the vicinity of the lower edge of the deeper seismogenic segment is compressional for the period of about one year prior to the occurrence of the earthquake in the segment while it is tensional prior to the event in the shallower segment. This result suggests that seismic activity change in a slab can be a clue to the intermediate-term prediction of large interplate earthquakes.